Volunteer Profile

Patricia M. Hebert KC


Bruyer & Mackay

On-Demand Programs

  • Child Interview and Litigation Role Plays (On-Demand)

    Analyze two interviews between a lawyer and a child, noting the differences between the two. Watch subject matter experts recreate a typical court session, and examine the factors a Court of Queen's Bench Justice considers when deciding the matter. This on-demand program was originally presented as an in-person session on May 26 2022, as part of our Through the Eyes of a Child: Towards a Child-Centred Approach to Representing Children program. Total running time is 1 hour, 38 minutes.
  • Issues in Child Representation: Panel Discussion (On-Demand)

    Examine issues in child representation from the perspective of a panel of lawyers, a justice, and subject matter experts. This on-demand program was originally presented as an in-person session on May 26 2022, as part of our Through the Eyes of a Child: Towards a Child-Centred Approach to Representing Children program. Total running time is 1 hour, 5 minutes.
  • Roles of Child Counsel and Best Practices (On-Demand)

    Identify the different roles of counsel when representing children and consider appropriate scenarios for each. Review best practices and steps to take when representing a child, from preparation for the child meeting to closing the file. This on-demand program was originally presented as an in-person session on May 26 2022, as part of our Through the Eyes of a Child: Towards a Child-Centred Approach to Representing Children program. Total running time is 52 minutes.
  • Through the Eyes of a Child: Towards a Child-Centred Approach to Representing Children (On-Demand)

    Explore topics related to representing children. This on-demand program was originally presented as an in-person program on May 26, 2022. Total running time for each presentation ranges between 37 minutes to 1 hour, 38 minutes. Each presentation in this program is available for individual purchase.


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