LESA’s Practice Manual Series Available Electronically on the LESA Library

You may have already heard…  we recently launched an all-new LESA Library. This online, comprehensive, and searchable resource provides valuable legal information to Alberta’s lawyers, articling students, and legal support staff. 

With the launch of the new LESA Library, and the features and benefits it offers our valued customers, we have decided to transition away from offering electronic resources via USB. Technology is continually evolving; USBs are not as commonly used anymore, and some computers are hitting the market without even the option of a USB port. Therefore, to continue to provide quality electronic resources that are easily accessible across any device, we are now offering electronic versions of LESA’s Practice Manual Series exclusively on the LESA Library. 

As a LESA Library subscriber, you get 24/7 online access to hundreds of program papers (from 2010 to the present), checklists, precedents, and fillable forms as well as the electronic versions of the following publications:

Plus, all subscriptions to the core areas of law on the LESA Library include access to the Practice Management and Specialized Areas of Law collections. Not a bad deal, hey? Click here for additional details and subscription options.

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