Matrimonial Property 2017

Matrimonial Property 2017

It is essential for family law practitioners to stay current in matrimonial property issues. In today’s blog, seminar co-chair Diane L. Harms QC tells us what we can look forward to in our upcoming program, Matrimonial Property 2017.

Join us this February 14 (Edmonton) and February 22 (Calgary) to explore the latest developments and case law in matrimonial property matters, from bankruptcy, to tax issues, to family trusts, and contingent assets.

About the Faculty

Our distinguished panelists have developed a full day of programming dedicated to topical issues in relation to Matrimonial Property matters.

Robert Calvert QC | DLA Piper (Canada) LLP
Greg Gartner QC | Moodys Gartner Tax Law (Edmonton Seminar)
Ashley Hahn | Miles Davison LLP
Daniel K. Jukes | Miles Davison LLP
Kim G.C. Moody | Moodys Gartner Tax Law (Calgary Seminar)
Roxy Petts | Daunais McKay + Harms

In a recent, interview, we spoke with Diane L. Harms QC who told us a bit about the diversity of the speakers.

We’ve got Mr. [Kim G.C.] Moody, who is a tax specialist, and a prolific writer. He works together with Greg Gartner [QC] who is a tax expert and lawyer. They are partners at Moody’s Gartner Tax Law, and are an amazing resource for the family law bar to reference and learn from. We also have Robert Calvert [QC], who is a very strong civil litigator, but his particular expertise is family law. He’ll be speaking to us about attacking and protecting family trusts, which is something we’re seeing more and more of in the context of complex matrimonial property. We also have Ashley [Hahn] and Daniel [Jukes], who practice in the area of consumer protection and bankruptcy. They will help those of us who don’t deal with bankruptcy and protection issues on a day-to-day basis know what red flags to watch out for, and what particular things we want to build into our orders, agreement, and applications. Gifts and Loans from Family Members, Exemptions & Tracings, is going to be covered by Roxy Petts. She will be presenting a collection of things she has researched and come across in terms of expansion and tracing related to gifts and loans from family members.”

Benefits of the Program

Diane also told us what she thinks attendees will find beneficial about this program.

What we can expect to hear from the panel are topics on areas reflective of challenging issues in the context of matrimonial property – things that we don’t stumble across often enough that may be difficult, or unique, or specialized in the area of matrimonial property. For that reason, I think there is something for everyone. For the more junior attendees, these will be things that they can build into their practice from the outset – knowing the red flags and where to look to find answers. For those of us who are into the mid to later part of our career, this program will identify things that we can’t use our precedents for, or that we will have to build into our precedents.”

Finally, Diane told us why she is excited for this program. Here’s what she had to say.

For those of us who enjoy the legal aspect of family law, this program addresses some real chewy issues. It will allow us to take a look at the how-tos and whys of what we are doing. For those who are more junior, maybe they have not run across these issues yet, but I can guarantee that they will. For those of us that are more senior, we may have run across them, but we would benefit from learning more about these types of issues. They are current, timely, emerging, and they are relevant for all family law practitioners that have to deal with matrimonial property issues.”

Register Online

Don’t miss this incredible opportunity to hear from some of Alberta’s best. Join us for Matrimonial Property 2017 on February 14 (Edmonton) and February 22 (Calgary).

Read the brochure to learn more about this program.

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