Meet the Faculty | Franchise Terminations & Rescissions: What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You

LESA is pleased to introduce the faculty of our upcoming webinar, Franchise Terminations & Rescissions: What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You!

Lawyers representing franchisors or franchisees throughout the franchise lifecycle face potential risks of errors and omissions if they fail to advise their clients about their legal rights and responsibilities under the Franchises Act. In this webinar, solicitors and litigators will deepen their understanding of key statutory requirements and common contractual terms relating to key requirements of the franchise disclosure document, franchise renewals, and more.



Chair | Ben Hanuka, Law Works Lawyers

Ben Hanuka is a Principal and Franchise & Commercial Litigation Counsel at Law Works Lawyers. His practice focuses on commercial and franchise dispute resolution, and he also provides guidance to corporate and franchise parties on regulatory compliance. From 2002 to 2008, Ben served as founding chair of the Joint Subcommittee of Franchising of the Ontario Bar Association (OBA).

Presenter | Ellery C. Lew, Witten LLP

Ellery C. Lew is a Partner and Trademark Agent at Witten LLP. He has a civil litigation practice with a focus on commercial litigation. Ellery has experience in matters of licensing and franchise law, claims involving fraud or mortgage fraud, construction disputes, and more. He is further experienced in dispute regulation, regularly representing clients at mediations and arbitrations, and acting as an arbitrator.

Presenter | Trevor R. McDonald, BD&P Law

Trevor R. McDonald is a partner at BD&P Law with a litigation practice. His practice areas include franchises, dealerships and distributorships, construction, oil and gas, among others. Trevor is experienced in both pursuing and defending applications for emergency injunctive relief, particularly in franchisor/franchisee disputes. He has litigated various trials, contested applications, and appeals in several courts, including the Alberta Court of King’s Bench and Court of Appeal, the Ontario Superior Court of Justice and Court of Appeal, as well as the Federal Court of Canada (Trial Division) and Court of Appeal.


Program Details

Date: October 10, 12-3:30 PM
Location: Webinar (Online via Zoom)
Early Bird Price: $285.00 (General) | $256.50 (New Lawyer) | $213.75 (Student)

Early bird pricing ends on September 10, 2024. Regular price: $236.25 – $315

How to Register

Click here to register for this conference.

Note: Reduced pricing is available for newly called lawyers (called within five years) as well as students. Click the link above and select the appropriate ticket to register with reduced pricing.

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