Meet the Presenter for “Preparing Law Firms for Upcoming Transitions” | Heather Gray-Grant

 Heather Gray-Grant is passionate about helping law firms identify, plan for, and implement on strategies for greater success.

In order to improve law firm productivity, a firm must often make small – or sometimes big – changes. We are in the middle of an enormous transition from first to second-generation law firms, and the biggest lawyer retirement bubble we will see in our lifetime. Meanwhile, the industry faces enormous challenges in finding and keeping great lawyers and staff, the decline in lawyer billable hours, a desire for more remote work and a four-day work week, and rapidly advancing AI.

Most of Heather’s career has been spent as a successful change agent in law firms, in part utilizing her training as a mediator and negotiator. We are pleased to have Heather present our upcoming, Preparing Law Firms for Upcoming Transitions” webinar on January 25, 2024.

In this one-hour session, Heather will outline a number of the changes law firms are facing, and how to handle them. You’ll learn:

  • Why strategic planning is critical for law firms right now;
  • How to prepare for retirements and transfer of ownership;
  • How to keep lawyers motivated to stay and evolve with the firm;
  • How to prepare for changes to the profession resulting from developments like AI.

Heather is also a certified executive coach, with 20 years of experience coaching lawyers. Beyond any institutional changes that might need to be embraced, she is also able to work with individuals to help identify and overcome issues that might be holding them back from success.

For details and to register, click here.

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