Mitigating Risk During the Pandemic

In addition to the risks lawyers normally encounter, the current pandemic presents new challenges. LESA is pleased to have Allan J. Guty, Practice Advisor for the Law Society of Alberta present “Loss Prevention During (and After) the COVID-19 Pandemic” on July 9th.

Identify risks and explore how you can improve your firm systems to be resilient and protected throughout this rapidly changing legal environment. This webinar will especially benefit sole practitioners and small firms.

Attendees will walk away with recommended steps to prevent loss and greater clarity on how to navigate key risks as they relate to cyberattacks, ransomware, client confidentiality, undue influence, and more.

Register today!

Date: July 9, 2020

Time: 12:00 PM–1:00 PM

Price: $95 + GST  $49 + GST

Presenter: Allan J. Guty, Practice Advisor, Law Society of Alberta

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