New Program Alert | Doing it Old School: Paper GA Forms in the Digital Age

In order to handle estate administration files efficiently and avoid potential pitfalls, it is important for practitioners to understand situations that require paper filing of the GA forms in lieu of using the Surrogate Digital Service (SDS). This webinar will explore:

  • What the SDS can process
  • Common fact patterns that require you to use the GA forms
  • Required forms
  • The sequencing of forms (i.e. what gets filed and served, and in what order)
Program Details

Date: November 4, 12:00 PM-1:00 PM (Webinar)
Price: $95 (General) | $85.50 (New Lawyers) | $71.25 (Students)


Victoria A. Jones, de Villars Jones LLP

How to Register

Click here to register for this program.

Note: Reduced pricing is available for newly called lawyers (called within five years) as well as students. Click the link above and select the appropriate ticket to register with reduced pricing.

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