Notices to the Profession and Public

The Court of Queen’s Bench of Alberta recently issued two new Notices to the Profession and Public related to family law that came into effect on September 1, 2018.

In NPP#2018-07, the Court of Queen’s Bench advised that it will no longer accept divorce judgments in hard-written form in Calgary, Edmonton, Lethbridge, and Red Deer. Fillable PDF forms of divorce judgments are available on the Court of Queen’s Bench website.

Under NPP#2018-08, all protection order applicants are no longer permitted to leave the courtroom without a signed order. This includes applications for review of emergency protection orders granted under the Protection Against Family Violence Act, RSA 2000, c P-27.

All parties and counsel are encouraged to complete draft orders in advance of an application. Template forms of order are available on the Court of Queen’s Bench website.

Template forms of order will also be made available in courtrooms for the presiding justice to complete and sign where a draft order has not been provided in advance.

Where a protection order application is being scheduled for an oral hearing, all parties and counsel must use the Emergency Protection Order Review Oral Hearing Order form, available on the Court of Queen’s Bench website, unless the court orders otherwise.

For more information, read the notice to the profession and public in full here.

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