November is Family Violence Prevention Month

November is Family Violence Prevention Month (FVPM) in Alberta and this year’s theme is #WhereToTurn. Did you know that Alberta has the third highest rate of self-reported spousal violence in Canada? Throughout the month of November, we will be publishing a series of posts to our blog and on social media (Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook) regarding FVPM. We invite you to join us in raising awareness about family violence and the available supports for those affected by family violence. Together, we can build up our communities and promote healthier relationships.

What can you do?
  1. Head over to the Government of Alberta website to see a list of available supports including the province-wide Family Violence Info Line (310-1818), Family Violence Info Line (online) chat, emergency shelters, and more.
  2. Search Twitter with the hashtag #WhereToTurn for additional supports and resources throughout the province.
  3. Watch or listen to the ACWS Legal Matters Podcast: Changes to the Divorce Act discussing recent changes to the Divorce Act and what legal professionals working in family law need to know about coercive controlling violence.
  4. Register for LESA’s Understanding Domestic Violence and Coercive Control for Family Lawyers offered in collaboration with the Alberta Council of Women’s Shelters (ACWS).  
  5. Consider posting to social media using the hashtags #GoPurpleAB and #WhereToTurn with shareable social media graphics.
  6. Download for FREE two of LESA’s papers focusing on identifying coercive control in Canadian family law and the recent amendments to the Divorce Act that touch on family violence. Simply click the links above and add the papers to your cart. Enter the promo code FVPM at the time of checkout and proceed with your order to receive free access to these valuable downloads. (Available until November 30, 2021)



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