October Upcoming Legal Events

October upcoming Legal Events

Find out what’s happening in the legal community this month!


Alberta Land Titles Online Alberta Land Titles Online | CAL (October 2) | EDM (October 9)

This program is now full. Register for our January program in Edmonton (January 22) or Calgary (January 29).

With a shift to online Land Titles registrations and digital signatures, lawyers and their firms will need to adjust their conveyancing processes. Explore the new ALTO platform and evaluate strategies for enhancing your real estate practice.

Time: 1:30 PM – 4:30 PM
Regular Price: $295 + GST


 Effective Legal Support: Residential Real Estate

Effective Legal Support: Residential Real EstateCAL (October 2) | EDM (October 9)

Develop a solid foundation in real estate conveyancing. Review standard documents, processes, and timelines. Explore strategies and best practices.



Time: 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Regular Price: $295 + GST


Commercial Disputes Commercial Disputes | CAL (October 4)

Commercial disputes frequently arise, despite efforts to prevent them. Evaluate mechanisms and strategies for resolving such disputes in this flipped classroom-style program. (Attendees must review resource materials and undertake pre-program work online in the LESA Classroom prior to attending.)


Time: 12:30 PM – 4:30 PM
Regular Price: $445 + GST


8th Annual Law & Practice 8th Annual Law & Practice Update | CAL (October 5)

Sole practitioners, lawyers with a general practice, and those practicing in smaller firms face unique challenges. This program explores updates on a wide variety of substantive law & practice management topics, including family law, wills & estates, corporate/commercial law, real estate, and more.


Time: 7:30 AM – 3:30 PM
Regular Price: $445 + GST


Condominium Law Update Condominium Law Update | EDM (October 10)

Explore changes to condominium legislation and analyze their effects in practice. Identify tips and traps to better advise clients
on condo matters.



Time: 9:00 AM – 4:30 PM
Regular Price: $445 + GST


Appellate Advocacy Appellate Advocacy | CAL (October 12)

This program is sold out in Calgary. Click here to register for the Edmonton session on November 2.

Appellate advocacy presents unique challenges and requires a different set of skills than those needed by trial counsel. Explore various aspects of the craft of appellate advocacy in Alberta.


Time: 9:00 AM – 4:30 PM
Regular Price: $445 + GST


Environmental Law: Key Strategies for Everyday Practice Environmental Law: Key Strategies for Everyday Practice
EDM (October 17)

Gain valuable practice tips to enhance your understanding of environmental law matters that may arise in everyday files. Learn to spot common (and sometimes tricky) practice issues and develop strategies to advise your clients appropriately.


Time: 9:00 AM – 4:30 PM
Regular Price: $445 + GST


PCLaw for Lawyers and Legal Support StaffPCLaw for Lawyers and Legal Support Staff
CAL (October 23) | EDM (October 30)

Trust accounting software is a critical component of any practice management. Explore intermediate and advanced functionality, tips, and other topics to effectively use PC Law in your firm or practice.


Time: 9:00 AM – 4:30 PM
Regular Price: $445 + GST


Junior Lawyer Series Junior Lawyer Series | EDM (October 31)

Session 1 | “So now you’re a junior lawyer…”

Engage in an interactive dialogue on a variety of topics essential to effective legal practice management. Discuss limitations management, file diarization, file organization, time management, time-keeping, wellness management, and more.



Time: 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM
Regular Price: $100+ GST


LEAFs Annual Persons Day Breakfast will be held on Monday, October 22nd from 7:30 – 9:00 AM at the Sutton Place Hotel.


Starting up again on Monday, Assist provides the legal community in Calgary with complimentary yoga sessions every week. lead by our lawyer and judiciary volunteers, who are certified fitness instructors. Yoga helps professionals manage stress, focus better, sleep deeper, and ease pain. We encourage you to join us in maintaining a healthy lifestyle with other lawyers, law students, and guests.

Mondays at 5:15 PM | Fifth Avenue Club 715 5 Ave SW (2nd Floor)
Click for Further Details

  • Calling All Male Rugby Players!

The University of Calgary Faculty of Law Men’s Rugby Team will be playing an exhibition match against Calgary Lawyers on Friday, October 5th at 5:00 PM. The match will be held at the University field. They need as many players (and fans) as possible!

The Calgary Lawyers squad will be having only one practise on Tuesday, October 2nd at 6:00 PM. It will be held at Elboya Heights Community Association (Stanley Park) – 416 Park Ave. Paul Reid of Carscallen will be leading practise.

This will be a friendly match and the start of a great tradition. You are not required to have extensive experience to play. However, you must have insurance through Rugby Canada who offers inexpensive single match coverage.

If you plan on participating, please email Peter Crozier at [email protected]. Please be sure to tell him what position(s) you play. He will be compiling a list of players to submit to the insurer. There will likely be a small associated cost for players.

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