Rules of Court 2020 Part 1 – Webinar

About Faculty About This event occurred in the past. The recording is now available as a Webinar on Demand. Concrete knowledge of the Rules of Court is critical for every litigator. Revisit the “must-know” rules, consider recent judicial treatment of select rules, and discover practical tips for running effective litigation files. Topics Pleadings and discovery Effective […]


Rules of Court Year in Review: What Litigators Need to Know – Webinar

About Faculty About Date: September 14, 2021 Time:  12:00 PM – 1:30 PM Price:  $95 + GST The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a seismic shift in how litigation is conducted in Alberta. The courts and counsel have had to adept to these changing circumstances while adhering to the existing Rules of Court. Join us while we […]

$71.25 – $95.00

Rules of Court 2022: Year in Review (Webinar)

About Faculty About Date: September 19, 2022 Time:  12:00 PM – 1:30 PM Price:  $95 + GST Over the last year, courts and counsel have continued to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic […]

$71.25 – $95.00

Rules of Court 2023: Year in Review (Webinar)

About Faculty About This year-in-review webinar will canvass the various ways that the courts, counsel, and litigants have interpreted the Alberta Rules of Court. Significant cases and interesting points of […]

$71.25 – $95.00
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