Buying & Selling a Business (Calgary)

The Glenmore Inn & Convention Centre 1000 Glenmore Court SE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Discuss purchase and sale agreement provisions including representations, warranties, and indemnities. Understand the due diligence process, consider what the financial statements can tell you about a target company, and discuss employee and severance issues.

$296.25 – $445.00

Buying & Selling a Business (Edmonton)

Chateau Louis Hotel & Conference Centre 11727 Kingsway NW, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Discuss purchase and sale agreement provisions including representations, warranties, and indemnities. Understand the due diligence process, consider what the financial statements can tell you about a target company, and discuss employee and severance issues.

$296.25 – $445.00

Due Diligence in M&A Transactions – Webinar

About Faculty About This event occurred in the past. Click here for the on-demand version. This webinar will focus on covering certain essential aspects of the due diligence process applicable […]

$71.25 – $95.00
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