Meet our Chair: Amanda Baretta | Business Issues in Family Law

As chair of our upcoming Business Issues in Family Law webinar series, Amanda Baretta of Latitude Family Law has brought together family law practitioners and accountants to provide insight on a variety of topics in this two-part series. We (virtually) met with Amanda to learn a little more about her and gain insight into what lawyers can expect from this program. Read on!

Following her call to the Alberta bar in 2012, Amanda Baretta began working with the Family Law Office, a program of Legal Aid Alberta, where she practiced solely in the area of family law, with specific focus on high conflict parenting, child protection, and family violence. Having practiced exclusively in family law since her bar call, Amanda, along with four other female family law practitioners, started Latitude Family Law in 2017. Amanda is active with the Canadian Bar Association and serves as an executive member of the Family Law North Section and as co-chair of the Child and Youth North Section. She also volunteers with Animal Rescue Crew Society and Just-Us Girls Justice Committee.

What can lawyers expect to gain from attending this program?

Alberta is built on entrepreneurs and business owners and caselaw has continued to require family law practitioners to expand their knowledge of business issues and how they intersect with family law.

We have formatted this program to be informative for family lawyers of all levels. The program will start with foundations regarding disclosure and financial statements basics and build to more complex issues regarding business valuations, guidelines incomes, shareholder remedies, and tax issues.

What makes this program unique?

This program includes practitioners and accountants, who will provide insight from both areas of expertise. Our intention is to have a discussion and question/answer session at the end of each day, allowing panel members and attendees to discuss competing perspectives and areas of agreement.

What topics will be covered in this series?

Part 1

1. Disclosure
2. Brief Overview of Financial Statements
3. Personal Benefits and Undistributed Pre-Tax Corporate Income
4. Panel Discussion, Q&A

Part 2

1. Business Valuations
2. Shareholder Oppression and Other Remedies
3. Tax Issues
4. Panel Discussion, Q&A

How to Register

We kick off this series with Part 1 on November 2, 2021 from 12:00pm – 4:00pm. Part 2 will take place on November 9, 2021 from 12:00pm – 4:00pm. We encourage registrants to attend both sessions to gain the full benefit of the cumulative content. Separate registration is required – but did you know that you can save $105 when you register for both parts? Click here for details. Discount will automatically apply when qualifying items (both parts) are in your cart. 

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