SKU: OC-62485
Delve into the statutory regimes and common law jurisprudence for business insolvencies and personal bankruptcies. Identify common issues and strategies to address them while providing attendees with key considerations and practical tools to support their practices.
Topics include:
- Introduction to Bankruptcy
- Creditor Priorities – Statutory Priorities, Secured Claims, Unsecured Claims, and Deferred Claims
- Proofs of Claim and Claims Process Orders
- Survival of Debts and Objections to Discharge
- Debtor Driven Insolvencies – NOIs and CCAA Proceedings
- Creditor Driven Insolvencies – Receiverships and Bankruptcies
- Creditor Protection and Reviewable Transactions
- Proposals and Bankruptcies from a Trustee’s Perspective
These on-demand programs were originally presented on February 21, 2025. The total running time for each presentation ranges between 33 to 55 minutes.
Dana Nowak, MLT Aikins LLP
Rebecca Frederick, Frederick & Company Ltd. – Licensed Insolvency Trustee
Kristin P. Gray, CPA, CA, CIRP, LIT, MNP LLP
Prof. Anna Jane Samis Lund, University of Alberta
Alex Mosaico, Mosaico Law
Spencer Norris, Miller Thomson LLP
Jerritt R. Pawlyk, DLA Piper (Canada) LLP
Ryan Quinlan, Duncan Craig LLP
Stephanie Wanke, Thomson Reuters
Kyle Kawanami KC, Emery Jamieson LLP