SKU: OC-62066-GPP
Explore effective estate planning strategies for average wealth clients. Discuss using trusts and beneficiary designations, planning for dependent children and complex family situations, dealing with charitable gifts and unusual assets, and preparing personal directives and powers of attorney. Learn tips for navigating risk management issues in estate planning and managing client expectations.
This on-demand program was originally presented as an in-person program in November 2017.
Total running time is 4 hours, 3 minutes.
Robert Mendenhall, Richardson GMP Limited
Sylvia A. Carruthers, Sylvia A. Carruthers, Barrister & Solicitor
Mandy L. England, Dentons Canada LLP
Michael Klaray, Duncan Craig LLP
Jason Stephan, CA Tax Law
Shelley E. Waite, McLeod Law LLP