Examine the standard of review that should be applied by an administrative appeal tribunal when it is hearing an appeal from a tribunal of first instance. To what extent should the appeal tribunal extend deference? Does Vavilov apply?
This on-demand program was originally presented as an in-person program in April 2022, as part of our Administrative Law Update program. Total running time is 1 hour.
Due to unforeseen circumstances, Justice Slatter was unable to present. In this on-demand recording, David Phillip Jones QC presents Justice Slatter’s material for him.
You may also be interested in other presentations from this program. Click here for the full Administrative Law Update program.
David Phillip Jones QC, de Villars Jones LLP
Perry Mack QC, Peacock Linder Halt & Mack LLP
Justice Frans F. Slatter, Court of Appeal of Alberta
David Phillip Jones QC, de Villars Jones LLP