Moving Ahead: Litigation Plans in Action

SKU: 61834.02

Moving Ahead – Litigation Plans in Action
R.L Duke, QC

This paper provides a thorough overview of the rules relating to litigation plans by first, distinguishing the new Rules from the old Rules, second, reviewing the responsibilities of the parties to manage their own disputes, and third, discussing the categorization of an action as standard or complex. It also surveys the case law in relation to litigation plans and discusses litigation plans within the overall context of managing litigation.

Litigation Plans – Defence Perspective
James T. Eamon, QC

After reviewing the litigation plan requirements, the author speculates about a possible defence perspective of the litigation plan requirements and offers suggestions for effective drafting of litigation plans.

These papers were drawn from materials presented at the Case Management, Litigation Plans and the “Drop Dead” Rule seminar held in April 2012.

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