These on-demand programs examine estate administration procedures for “standard” estates and highlight potential issues for estates with unique considerations; identify common challenges and traps in estate administration and develop strategies to resolve or prevent them; explore ethical issues that can arise during estate administration, including conflicts of interest, confidentiality and privacy, and fiduciary duties owed by personal representatives and/or lawyers; and consider communication and client relationship management skills/techniques for navigating estate administration matters.
These programs are designed for newly called lawyers, or for those looking to revisit the basics.
Topics include:
- Client introduction meetings
- The actual grant application
- Taxes
- Accounting
- Other topics in estate administration
These on-demand programs were originally presented as an in-person program on October 26, 2023 as part of our Practice Foundations series.
The total running time for each presentation ranges between 53 minutes to 1 hour, 32 minutes.
Victoria Jones, de Villars Jones LLP
Allison Barkwell, BARR LLP
Tiffany A. Franklin, North & Company LLP
David J. Koski, The Estate House
Fraser Lypkie, Lypkie Henderson
Dane ZoBell, Felesky Flynn LLP