Practice Fundamentals: Effective Time & Email Management (Online Course)


Please note: This course is free for all registrants of the Practice Fundamentals Program. As a registrant you can access this content on the LESA Classroom when logged into your account. If you were called to the Alberta bar prior to 2024, you can purchase this course by clicking “Add to Cart”.

Lawyers are drowning in technology-based interruptions, switching tasks on the computer nearly 600 times a day. Constant distractions from various methods of communication such as email, instant messaging, social media, and phone calls can kill productivity without the processes and technology in place to manage them.

This course will teach methodologies to achieve focus and take back control of your day, and upcoming weeks and months. It will take approximately four hours to complete.

This course is taught by Paul Unger, the founding principal of Affinity Consulting Group, a consulting company providing legal technology consulting, continuing legal education, and training. Paul practiced law for six years, specializing in litigation and bankruptcy, before co-founding Affinity Consulting Group with partner Barron Henley in 2000. He now spends most of his time speaking, coaching, leading professional development programs for lawyers, and conducting technology and practice management assessments. 

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