Family law lawyers face unique challenges helping clients navigate stressful and emotional life events. Learn the processes, forms, and techniques used by seasoned family law practitioners in these engaging presentations.
Topics include:
- How do you navigate clients who are uncooperative or disagreeable during the initial consultation?
- How do you establish trust and build relationships with clients, other lawyers, and stakeholders once you are retained?
- How do you work with other professionals, such as mediators or therapists, to provide comprehensive legal services to clients?
- How do you balance the emotional, financial, and legal aspects of a family law file to ensure the best outcome for your client?
- What are some best practices for preparing for and participating in a dispute resolution process, regardless of the chosen process?
- How do you educate clients about the spectrum of dispute resolution processes and help them make informed decisions regarding their process choice?
- How do you assess the success of a dispute resolution process and what steps can be taken to address any challenges that arise?
Included is a comprehensive review of case law on the criteria for a legally enforceable separation agreement, including a discussion of the Supreme Court of Canada’s decision in Anderson v Anderson, 2023 SCC 13, along with a discussion on best practices for drafting separation agreements and streamlining litigation options if no agreement is reached.
These programs are intended for family law lawyers in their first 5 years of practice or those looking to revisit family law practice fundamentals.
These on-demand programs were originally presented on March 7, 2024. The total running time for each presentation ranges between 58 minutes and 1 hour, 13 minutes.
Beryl McNeill, McNeill Family Law
Gordon Andreiuk, McGee Richard Law Group Â
Stephanie L. Dobson, Henka Divorce Law & MediationÂ
Paul Govenlock, Long Family Law Group LLP