Ways in Which Drafting Lawyers Can Become Involved in Estate Litigation (On-Demand)

SKU: OC-62409-3
Drafting solicitors often have the daunting task of preparing estate plans for their clients that will hold up against scrutiny. Understanding complex or nebulous family dynamics and property arrangements and then drafting a will that accommodates clients’ testamentary intentions can be challenging. Explore key topics related to negligence claims against drafting lawyers and drafting lawyers acting as witnesses in estate litigation.
This program was originally presented as an in-person program titled The Next Level: Elevating Your Practice in Estate Litigation on April 25, 2024. Total running time is 48 minutes.
You may also be interested in other presentations from The Next Level: Elevating Your Practice in Estate Litigation. Click here for the full list of presentations.
Françoise Belzil, Biamonte LLP
Leslie Taylor, Vogel LLP