Adult Guardianship & Trusteeship Fundamentals

Get tips for managing represented adult matters, and learn key strategies to help set up guardians and trustees for success.


Join program chair, Janice M. Bruni QC, and faculty for Adult Guardianship & Trusteeship Fundamentals on February 20 (Edmonton) or February 27 (Calgary), and explore adult guardianships and trusteeships from start to finish.


Janice M. Bruni QC | Bruni Law | Calgary


Amanda L.C. Bruni | Bruni Law | Calgary (Calgary only)
Victoria Jones | de Villars Jones | Edmonton
Dr. Jasneet Parmar | Covenant Health | Edmonton
Gordon VanderLeek | VanderLeek Law | Calgary
Ronaliz S. Veron | Bruni Law | Calgary (Edmonton only)
Shelley E. Waite TEP | McLeod Law LLP | Calgary

Explore topics, including:

  • how to assess decision-making options properly, and discover when it may be valuable to assign supportive or substitute decision-makers;
  • informal trustee arrangements and options available for less intrusive measures;
  • capacity assessment requirements;
  • whether to file desk or regular applications;
  • emergencies, situations for 17-year-olds, removal of existing decision-makers, and relevant legislation;
  • the roles of review officers and clerks;
  • time frames for the various phases of applications;
  • the duties of both guardians and trustees;
  • report letters, record-keeping, accounting, reviews and passing of accounts, guardian and trustee plans, and authority to sell or encumber property;
  • tools for assessing the adult and strategies for situations where the adult refuses to participate;
  • what to do when an adult asserts capacity, including conducting a second assessment

And more!


Register online to attend Adult Guardianship & Trusteeship Fundamentals on February 20 (Edmonton) or February 27 (Calgary).

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