Program Feature—Contentious Matters in Wills and Estates

Disputes frequently arise in wills and estates matters. Join us for Contentious Matters in Wills and Estates November 7 (Edmonton) or November 15 (Calgary), and identify common points of contention, develop strategies to avoid or deal with them, and discover how to better advise your clients.


Explore critical topics in will and estates to enhance your legal practice and provide more competent advice to your clients.

  • Discuss estate litigation from a solicitor’s perspective, including how to properly document your client’s intentions using Deeds of Gift and Letters of Intention as well as creative approaches to applications for grants of probate and administration.
  • Learn when to mediate, how it works, and why you should consider it as an alternative. Learn about the court forms and procedures for challenging the validity of a will or responding to such a challenge.
  • Discuss necessary evidence, use of experts, cross-examination, and recent case law in advancing family maintenance and support (FMS) claims.
  • Review how courts in Alberta have chosen to interpret wills following the proclamation of the Wills and Succession Act.
  • Receive an update on legislative amendments that may impact eligibility for and entitlement to AISH benefits, and review recent decisions as they relate to costs awards.

And more!




Barbara J. Stratton QC | Bennett Jones LLP | Edmonton


Hon. Justice C. Jones | Court of Queen’s Bench of Alberta | Calgary (Calgary only)

Hon. Justice J.S. Little | Court of Queen’s Bench of Alberta | Edmonton (Edmonton only)

Anne S. de Villars QC | de Villars Jones LLP | Edmonton

Françoise Belzil | Biamonte LLP | Edmonton

Barbara J. Kimmitt | Bennett Jones LLP | Calgary

Jennifer R. Lamb | Carscallen LLP | Calgary

Layne N. Thiessen | McLeod Law LLP | Calgary



Register online to attend Contentious Matters in Wills and Estates November 7 (Edmonton) or November 15 (Calgary). Register on or before September 25 to take advantage of our early bird discount!

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