Program Feature: Elder Law Topics

Elder Law Topics

There are a variety of issues that affect our aging population, from elder abuse, to separation and divorce, to medical assistance in dying (MAID), and more. Join program chair, Shelley E. Waite TEP, and faculty for Elder Law Topics in Calgary, May 30 or Edmonton, June 7, and discuss some of these key issues.



Guardian and Trustee Issues | Janice M. Bruni QC
Discuss the various types of guardian issues for elderly people, such as family disputes, who to appoint, resolution through mediation, special hearings, and dispute resolution clauses. Explore common trustee issues, including conflict of interest, applicant credit issues, maintaining joint assets, trustee decisions which may affect rights of survivorship and estate plans, and continuing practices of the adult including donations, gifting, and support for family members.

Drafting Incapacity Documents | Angela L. Yee-Hamshaw TEP
Elder abuse is an ever growing concern in our community. Discuss strategies and best practices for drafting incapacity documents to protect the donor as well as for encouraging transparency, accountability, and activation.

Elder Abuse: How the Public Guardian Works with Stakeholders to Protect Vulnerable Albertans | Graham Badry & Blake Cameron
Review the Adult Guardianship and Trusteeship Act [AGTA] and discuss the role of the Public Guardian with regards to protection issues. Delve into topics, including the definition of capacity, AGTA principles, decision making, and protection options. Practical experience will be shared using examples taken from protection scenarios.

Medical Assistance in Dying: The Alberta Program | James L. Silvius BA (Oxon), MD, FRCP
The law permitting medical assistance in dying received Royal Assent on June 17, 2016, and Alberta has developed an approach that is currently unique in the country. Review the Alberta approach and identify issues and challenges that have arisen as a result.

Practical Considerations of Personal Directives, Powers of Attorney and Guardianship/Trusteeship
– A Care Community’s Perspective | Salimah Walji-Shivji RSW

Learn to understand the facility perspective and considerations when enacting and interpreting instruments as a drafter or advisor.

End-of-Life Choice after Bill C-14 | Bradley Peter (Edmonton only) & Shanaaz Gokool (Calgary only)
Medical assistance in dying (MAID) has been legal in Canada since 2016. However, suffering Canadians continue to encounter widespread barriers to accessing their right to a peaceful death. Explore what this means for the future of healthcare and patients’ rights in Canada and discuss current court cases as well as the unique challenges that Canadians face when navigating their legal end-of-life options.




Register online to attend Elder Law Topics in Calgary, May 30 or Edmonton, June 7.

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