Program Feature—Junior Lawyer Series

Junior Lawyer Series

Lawyers with less than 5 years at the bar face unique challenges and opportunities. Examine substantive law, practice management, client relationship management, ethical issues, and other topics in this interactive, 6-session series.

Join us for the following sessions and learn critical skills for developing a successful legal practice. Register for sessions individually, or save when you attend them all!

SESSION 1 | OCTOBER 31, 2018 | 8:00AM to 9:00 AM
“So you’re a junior lawyer…” | Alexander Yiu
Engage in an interactive dialogue on a variety of topics essential to effective legal practice management. Discuss limitations management, file diarization, file organization, time management, time-keeping, wellness management, and more. (REGISTER)

SESSION 2 | NOVEMBER 8, 2018 | 8:00AM to 9:00 AM
Personal Injury Litigation Essentials | Patricia Tiffen & Sara E. Hart
Explore essential topics in the field of personal injury litigation, and get answers to key questions such as: What is “The Fund”? What is the Crown’s “Right of Recovery” and why does it matter in personal injury litigation? What has changed in the Minor Injury Regulation? (REGISTER)

SESSION 3 | DECEMBER 11, 2018 | 8:00AM to 9:00 AM
Drafting Effective and Enforceable Contracts | Slader Oviatt
Learn key tips for drafting effective, enforceable contractual provisions, including how to draft releases, indemnification clauses, full agreement clauses, incorporations by reference to other agreements (vs. attached schedules), and other essential provisions. (REGISTER)

SESSION 4 | JANUARY 17, 2019 | 8:00AM to 9:00 AM
A View From the Bench—the Law of Summary Judgment and Summary Dismissal | Hon. Justice T.W. Wakeling and Master W.S. Schlosser
Hear the Bench’s perspective on recent jurisprudential developments in the Alberta Courts regarding the law of summary judgment and summary dismissal. Brief Q & A session to follow. (REGISTER)

SESSION 5 | FEBRUARY 7, 2019 | 8:00AM to 9:00 AM
Drafting Effective Affidavits and Statutory Declarations | Arman Chak
Learn the “dos” and “don’ts” of effective drafting of affidavits and statutory declarations. Explore how to navigate and understand the nuances of drafting affidavits versus statutory declarations in a variety of legal and extra-legal settings. (REGISTER)

SESSION 6 | FEBRUARY 21, 2019 | 8:00AM to 9:00 AM
How do I Grow my Practice as a Junior Lawyer? | Alexander Yiu and Noël Papadopoulos
Receive essential tips for growing your legal practice. Examine topics such as business and marketing development, client relationship management, community involvement, networking, and more. (REGISTER)

For more information, view the program brochure.

Note: this is a limited enrolment program. Register today to reserve your spot!

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