Program Feature: The Law of Damages 2018

The Law of Damages 2018

Enhance Your Proficiency in the Law of Damages 2018

Proving liability is only part of a litigator’s task. Delve into the law of damages, explore common evidentiary issues, and review recent trends and current case law.


Join program chair Françoise Belzil and a distinguished panel of civil litigators to discuss the law of damages. Explore common issues that arise in a variety of civil litigation matters and important evidentiary concerns related to establishing claims for damages.

Discuss topics including:

  • Damages: When Online Goes Offside
  • Recent Decisions in the Law of Assessment of Damages
  • Tips & Pointers for Proving Damages in Non-Trial Settings
  • Damages for Breach of Contract: Bound by the Written Word?


We recently connected with Françoise to learn a bit more about the program. Here’s what she had to say.

What makes this program unique?

“LESA has not, in recent history, offered a seminar focused solely on the law of damages outside the personal injury arena. The initial question on most litigators’ minds is the establishment of liability. Success in doing so will be all for not if damages cannot be proven.  This program addresses that very important element of successful litigation.”

What resources will attendees receive for future reference?

“Each panelist is preparing a written presentation to which participants can later refer. These materials are the product of countless hours of work and are another vehicle by which the panelists share their experience.”


When we asked Françoise to tell us a bit about the panel, she had nothing but great things to say.

“The panel is awesome. Each brings to their presentation knowledge and experience from which all participants will learn and benefit.  I am very grateful for their considerable contribution of time and effort.”

Learn more about this incredible group of presenters below.

Françoise Belzil | Biamonte LLP | Edmonton

Joseph Rosselli QC | Kingsgate Legal | Edmonton
Alison L. Archer | Bennett Jones LLP | Edmonton
Joyce Bolton | Peacock Linder Halt & Mack LLP | Calgary
Stephen Panunto | James McCall Panunto | Calgary



Join us in Edmonton (March 8) or Calgary (March 15) for The Law of Damages 2018. Register on or before February 5 to take advantage of our early bird pricing. Read the program brochure for more information.

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