Program Feature: Search and Seizure

Search and Seizure

As technology continues to develop at an exponential rate, the law of search and seizure is also rapidly changing.
Join us in Calgary, June 2, or in Edmonton, June 9 for our upcoming program Search and Seizure, and discuss principles and leading cases relevant to search and seizure.


Examine the implications of the Charter, recent case law, and a wide variety of relevant, practical topics that consider the exclusion of evidence, including:

  • The constitutionality of border searches of mobile devices.
  • The implications of the recent Supreme Court of Canada decisions in Marakah and Jones, and broader issues surrounding the interception of private communications, including the controversial use of IMSI Catchers (aka Stingray devices).
  • Practical suggestions for navigating issues of standing, Vukevich hearings, and cell phone searches in the post-Fearon world.
  • The Grant analysis and s. 24(2) of the Charter in relation to electronic evidence gathering after Fearon, Vu, and Cole.

And more!


Chair | Daniel J. Song | Sprake Song & Konye | Edmonton & Vancouver



Register online to attend Search and Seizure in Calgary, June 2, or Edmonton, June 9. Register on or before April 24 to take advantage of our early bird discount.

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