Commercial Real Estate for Legal Support Staff (Livestream)

AboutFacultySponsors This is the registration page for the livestream session. This program is also being offered as an in-person program in Edmonton. Legal support staff play an integral role in commercial real estate matters. This program will explore topics that paralegals and legal assistants may encounter, including: title insurance, commercial lending, the role of support […]


Commercial Real Estate for Legal Support Staff (Edmonton)

LESA's Program Space Suite 1401, 10088-102 Avenue, Edmonton

AboutFacultySponsors Extended early bird pricing for in-person registration! This is the registration page for the in-person program in Edmonton. This program is also being offered online via livestream. Legal support staff play an integral role in commercial real estate matters. This program will explore topics that paralegals and legal assistants may encounter, including: title insurance, […]

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