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Mediation of Family and Divorce Conflicts (Calgary)

Best Western Village Park Inn 1804 Crowchild Trl NW, Calgary

AboutFacultyAgendaAccommodations Mediation is increasingly important in the practice of family law. Receive 40 hours of intensive, hands-on skills training in this in-depth, 5-day program. Develop the skills, knowledge, and understanding to build a competent and professional mediation practice. Topics include: • 5-stage mediation model • Techniques of developing relationships in mediation • Positional negotiation vs. […]


Civil Procedure for Legal Support Staff (Edmonton)

LESA's Program Space Suite 1401, 10088-102 Avenue, Edmonton

AboutFacultyAgendaTopics This is the Edmonton registration page for our in-person session of this program. If you would like to purchase an online ticket for this program, please navigate to the livestream registration page. Legal support staff play a critical role in the civil litigation process. This program will examine civil procedure issues that legal support […]


Civil Procedure for Legal Support Staff (Livestream)

AboutFacultyAgendaTopics This is the livestream registration page for this program. If you would like to purchase an in-person ticket for this program, please navigate to the Edmonton registration page. Legal support staff play a critical role in the civil litigation process. This program will examine civil procedure issues that legal support staff may encounter and […]

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