Commercial Real Estate for Legal Support Staff (Livestream)

AboutFacultySponsors This is the registration page for the livestream session. This program is also being offered as an in-person program in Edmonton. Legal support staff play an integral role in […]


Commercial Real Estate for Legal Support Staff (Edmonton)

LESA's Program Space Suite 1401, 10088-102 Avenue, Edmonton, AB, Canada

AboutFacultySponsors Extended early bird pricing for in-person registration! This is the registration page for the in-person program in Edmonton. This program is also being offered online via livestream. Legal support […]


How to Use the LESA Library to Benefit Your Practice (Webinar)

AboutFaculty Are you curious if the LESA Library could benefit your practice? Are you a current subscriber and wonder if you’re using the platform to its full potential? Join us and find out how the LESA Library can save you time and enhance your practice with quality resources and downloadable precedents (categorized by area of […]


Tech Tips for Legal Support Staff (Webinar)

AboutFaculty Designed specifically for legal support staff across a variety of practice areas, this webinar aims to elevate your digital skills, fostering efficiency and adaptability in today’s paperless legal environment. Topics include: How to build a dynamic digital resource library using Microsoft OneNote How to transform a chaotic schedule into a structured, collaborative success using Microsoft […]


Desk Divorces for Legal Support Staff (Webinar)

AboutFaculty From the perspective of a family law practitioner, a family law paralegal, and Judicial Clerks from the Court of King’s Bench of Alberta, this webinar will explore the fundamentals […]


Family Law for Legal Support Staff (Livestream)

AboutFaculty This multifaceted program will ensure participants leave with a well-rounded toolkit to excel in the dynamic field of family law. Explore key topics for legal support staff through this […]

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