Commercial Real Estate for Legal Support Staff (Livestream)

AboutFacultySponsors This is the registration page for the livestream session. This program is also being offered as an in-person program in Edmonton. Legal support staff play an integral role in […]


Commercial Real Estate for Legal Support Staff (Edmonton)

AboutFacultySponsors Extended early bird pricing for in-person registration! This is the registration page for the in-person program in Edmonton. This program is also being offered online via livestream. Legal support […]


Tech Tips for Legal Support Staff (Webinar)

AboutFaculty Designed specifically for legal support staff across a variety of practice areas, this webinar aims to elevate your digital skills, fostering efficiency and adaptability in today’s paperless legal environment. […]


Desk Divorces for Legal Support Staff (Webinar)

AboutFaculty From the perspective of a family law practitioner, a family law paralegal, and Judicial Clerks from the Court of King’s Bench of Alberta, this webinar will explore the fundamentals of desk divorces for legal support staff. Topics include a practical guide for effectively completing and filing the required divorce forms (for divorces with, and […]


Family Law for Legal Support Staff (Livestream)

AboutFaculty This multifaceted program will ensure participants leave with a well-rounded toolkit to excel in the dynamic field of family law. Explore key topics for legal support staff through this […]

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