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092.052.00The Alberta Business Law Practice Manual is a comprehensive resource designed for business lawyers in Alberta. Whether you practice in corporate law, intellectual property law, oil and gas law, or commercial litigation, this manual provides essential information and precedents for any business law practitioner.
62396.03The breakdown of a relationship is often accompanied by financial problems of one or both spouses. This paper explores some of the general principles that family practitioners should be aware of with respect to the intersection between family law and bankruptcy law. It discusses how a bankruptcy or insolvency can affect family property proceedings and settlement as well as the impact of bankruptcy proceedings on support claims. This paper is part of a collection presented at LESA’s Advanced Family Property program in Edmonton on May 16, 2024.
OC-62396-3The breakdown of a relationship is often accompanied by financial problems of one or both spouses. Explore some of the general principles that family practitioners should be aware of with respect to the intersection between family law and bankruptcy law. Topics include how a bankruptcy or insolvency can affect family property proceedings and settlement as well as the impact of bankruptcy proceedings on support claims. This on-demand program was originally presented as an in-person program titled Advanced Family Property on May 16, 2024. Total running time is 55 minutes.
62026.01This paper examines some general principles related to the intersection of family law proceedings and bankruptcy, with a focus on strategies to protect the solvent spouse. It provides an overview of basic bankruptcy principles and considers timing and priority issues as between matrimonial property claims and a Trustee in Bankruptcy. It also discusses contents of matrimonial property agreements and orders, certificates of lis pendens, and other strategies to assist the solvent spouse. It includes references to further readings on bankruptcy and family law issues. This paper is part of a collection presented at LESA’s Matrimonial Property 2017 program held in Edmonton on February 14, 2017 and in Calgary on February 22, 2017.
61912.02These papers explores how issues related to the breakdown of a marriage, including support, matrimonial property division and dower rights, interact with a bankruptcy. Added bonus: Bankruptcy 101 Glossary of terms by Craig McMahon, Field LLP, providing an alphabetical list of typical bankruptcy-related terms and a concise explanation of each. This paper was presented at the Bankruptcy Seminar in January, 2014.
62005.04Regulatory bodies are becoming increasingly involved in the sale and liquidation of an insolvent oil and gas corporation’s assets. This paper discusses the enforcement of regulatory powers in an insolvency, with a particular focus on the recent case of Re Redwater Energy Corporation, 2016 ABQB 278, discussing arguments raised in the case and the Alberta Energy Regulator’s position on them. As well, recent decisions from the Alberta Surface Rights Board are also commented on to highlight the difficulty regulators are having when faced with constitutional questions stemming from an insolvency. This paper is part of a collection presented at LESA’s 2016 The Constitution in the Insolvency Tool Box program.