Spotlight On: “Cross-Examination & Direct Examination – Strategies for Success”

Now available on the LESA Library, “Cross Examination & Direct-Examination – Strategies for Success” helps litigators of all levels of experience hone their advocacy skills. Examining the purpose and intent of both direct examination and cross-examination, this paper provides helpful information when dealing with child witnesses and when making objections generally.

Specifically, this paper provides helpful explanations on the following topics:

  • How to conduct an effective cross-examination, including helpful examples and tips
  • How to conduct an effective direct examination, including helpful examples and tips
  • Key tips and strategies for dealing with witnesses, including hostile witnesses and child witnesses
  • Relevant questions to ask in cross-examination and direct examination
  • How witness credibility factors into the examination process
  • Impeaching a witness in direct examination

These materials were prepared by Justice Bob H. Aloneissi, Justice Michelle Christopher, and Andy Hayher KC for LESA’s Refresher 2023: Family Law. If you are a LESA library subscriber (either to the family law collection or to the complete LESA Library), you can read the full paper here. If you are not yet a LESA Library subscriber and would like to purchase and download this paper, click here.

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