Training in Family Mediation – in French

If you wAJEFA Logoant to take a family mediation course taught in French, AJEFA (Association des juristes d’expression française de l’Alberta) has an upcoming program that may be what you’re looking for. The week-long Training in Family Mediation course runs from February 29 to March 4 in Edmonton.

This Training in Family Mediation workshop provides an introduction to family law mediation and is taught by practicing lawyers and social workers who work in the field of family law in Alberta.

The course is fast approaching and space is limited, so register online to save your spot.

You can find more details about this program in the AJEFA announcement: view the announcement in English or in French.

If you want LESA’s help to raise awareness about an upcoming event relevant to the Alberta legal community, contact Renee Vander Meulen, Communications Coordinator.
780.969.0553 or [email protected]


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