Updated Practice Manuals

Real Estate Practice Manual

If you’re looking for substantive, Alberta-specific, legal resources, we’ve got you covered with LESA’s Practice Manuals.

Practice Manuals are a valuable resource for practitioners at any point of their career, since they provide in-depth coverage of specific areas of the law and are authored by leading lawyers in each field.

Available Practice Manuals include:

These resources are purchased as a subscription service. As updates become available they’re sent to you automatically and you’re invoiced for them at the time of publication. This way your materials are always up-to-date without you having the hassle of checking for updates yourself.

Two of these manuals have been recently updated and sent to subscribers: Alberta Civil Practice and Alberta Real Estate.

If you practice in these areas and aren’t yet a subscriber, here’s a look at what these resources have to offer.

Alberta Civil Practice

This resource provides background information and commentary on how to work through a litigation file from start to finish, including topics such as:

  • Bringing an action
  • The questioning process
  • Amending pleadings
  • Managing litigation
  • Resolving issues and preserving rights
  • Trial

You can purchase this manual online in electronic form (a CD) or in hardcopy (which includes a binder and CD).

If you are searching for civil litigation resources, our recently released seminars on demand are also useful resources you can access from the home or office:

  • Evidence Law Refresher – Discover recent case law, substantive legal content, and practical advice regarding issues in civil evidence. View the trailer to learn more about the topics addressed!
  • Running Your First Trial – Develop a practical understanding of how to handle a Queen’s Bench civil case. Review pre-trial considerations, evidence, opening statements, examining a witness, and using expert witnesses. View the trailer for a sample of what the speakers have to say!

Alberta Real Estate

Whether you practice in commercial or residential real estate, this manual has plenty to offer you. It provides an overview of real estate transactions in Alberta and follows a real estate deal from beginning to end.

Highlights include chapters on:

  • Offers to purchase, options, and ROFRs
  • Pre-closing
  • Closing
  • Mortgages
  • Condominiums
  • Insurance
  • Tax considerations
  • Remedies

You can purchase this manual online in electronic form (a CD) or in hardcopy (which includes a binder and CD).

If your real estate practice finds you involved in condominium issues, you may also want to check out our condominiums seminar on demand:

Perhaps you practice in family law and are considering purchasing the Alberta Family Law manual. If so, you’ll be happy to know that an update for that resource is coming soon!

If you have any questions about available LESA resources, please be in touch at [email protected] or 780.420.1987 (toll free at 1.800.282.3900).

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