Weekly Program Feature: Microsoft® Excel & PDF Files for Lawyers and Staff

Microsoft Excel for lawyers and Staff & PDF Files for Lawyers and Staff

Get the inside scoop on 2 fantastic programs running on November 15 (Edmonton) and 16 (Calgary).

Microsoft® Excel for Lawyers and Staff
PDF Files for Lawyers and Staff

Hone your skills and enhance your practice. Join instructor Barron Henley and discover how you can use Microsoft® Excel and PDF files more efficiently.

Microsoft® Excel for Lawyers and Staff

In a recent interview, program instructor Barron Henley gave us a sneak preview of what this program has to offer. Check out the Q & A below to find out more about why the Microsoft® Excel for Lawyers and Staff program is beneficial and unique, and discover what you’ll be taking back with you to the office!

What will attendees find beneficial about this program?

The best bang for your technology dollar is to learn how to use what you’ve already got. Almost everybody has Excel because it comes in every version of Microsoft® Office. This program will focus on how one might use excel in a legal environment for everyday tasks. You’ll find out when you should really be using Excel instead of using Word.”

What is unique about this program and what will be some of the main take-aways?

The printed materials are really fantastic and extremely detailed. The Microsoft® Excel manual will go over every single exercise that I’ll go over in the program so if someone can’t remember, they can track it down. There are also a lot of practical examples – all of the exercises deal with issues we’ve seen our clients face in Excel.”

What would you say to individuals who are considering attending this program?

You can go take a Microsoft® Excel class and 20% will be related to legal users and 80% will be unrelated . There’s no waste in this program – the relevancy is really high as compared to any other place where you may find this kind of content coverage.”

Register Online

Get practical information you can apply to your practice immediately in. Reserve your spot in Microsoft® Excel for Lawyers and Staff today.

Register to attend in Edmonton (November 15) or Calgary (November 16).

For additional information, including program times, prices, locations, and more, view the brochure.

PDF Files for Lawyers and Staff

Individuals often use PDF files under the impression that they are secure files that cannot be changed. However, without knowing the proper steps for securing a PDF document, lawyers may find themselves in sticky situations.

Join instructor Barron Henley for PDF Files for Lawyers and Staff. Learn various aspects of working with PDF files.

Barron gave us a sneak preview of what this program has to offer attendees. Here’s what he had to say.

PDF is the new currency when it comes to trading documents between law firms, lawyers, and clients, and there are risks and benefits associated with PDFs. My intent is not to focus so much on the tool one is using, but rather what one should know how to do. For example, PDFs can be manipulated and changed unless they are secured and locked down, which a lot of people don’t even know.”

We also found out what some of the main program take aways will be. Here’s what Barron told us:

The printed materials are completely legal specific. The PDF manual will go over what you need to know and illustrate how to do it in Acrobat. This program is really about the functionality.”

Register Online

Discover crucial aspects of PDF Files. Register to attend this program in Edmonton (November 15) or in Calgary (November 16). (View brochure)

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